fun stuff

Happy 1st Birthday Letter to Chloe (S.W.A.K.)

Dear Chloe, I vividly remember the moment you were born. It all happened so fast that the nurses weren’t ready and the doctor didn’t even make it on time! I kept telling Daddy to get off the phone (he was calling Nana with an update)! We had tears of joy from the excitement and tearsContinue Reading

Summer Camps for Children with CHD!

A summer camping experience is something all children should enjoy. Summer camp is an opportunity for fun, friendships and personal growth. But what summer camp does a child with a congenital heart defect attend? The camps listed below are places where kids with heart defects/disorders can enjoy a summer camp experience: California Camp Del Corazon11615Continue Reading

Heart for a Heart! Chloe-Cakes Greeting Cards

Many of you know that my daughter Chloe was born with a CHD – Congenital Heart Defect (see the ABOUT page for Chloe’s story). We spent the first month of Chloe’s life by her side in the NICU at the local Children’s Hospital (she didn’t have open heart surgery until she was 4 months old).Continue Reading

My First NG Tube Experience!

For the first month of her life, Chloe ate fine. Then it went downhill, FAST! This is typical with CHD babies. One of the first signs of a heart defect is poor eating/poor weight gain. It takes so much effort for heart babies to suck, swallow, breathe that it becomes too much for them. That’sContinue Reading